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What Are Trigger Points?

human body trigger points

Tigger points cause pain more often than any other condition, are drastically under-diagnosed due to lack of information. Trigger points are specific, hyperirritable and hypersensitive areas in muscle that suffer from decreased circulation, increased contraction and spasm. Lack of circulation creates a high anomaly of toxins and increased nerve sensitivity that can range from low ache to sharp pain. Now just because the trigger point causes the pain does not mean that the spot is painful itself. When the pain causing spot is painful it is called a primary trigger point. However, pain can also manifest itself in areas away from the active trigger point - such pain is called referred pain.

Causes of Trigger Point Pain

Tender trigger points typically develop from lack of stretching or improper stretching but can also be caused from stress/trauma, repetitive motion or even poor posture. Other common causes are:

  • sitting without firm back support (slumped posture)
  • prolonged sitting in a chair without armrests, or armrests that are too high, or too low (leaning to one side)
  • cradling a phone between ear and shoulder
  • large breasts
  • one leg shorter than the other
  • typing on a keyboard that is too high
  • prolonged improper sleeping position
  • playing a violin
  • kayaking
  • overly tight bra straps
  • carrying a purse (prolonged hiking up of the shoulder)
  • head-forward posture
  • whiplash
  • walking with a cane that is too long

Reduced circulation in trigger points will eventually lead to muscle shortening and restricted movement which further accentuates the pain, thus completing a cycle of decreased mobility and further pain. This commonly becomes the underlying cause of chronic headache pain, and the patient will continue to suffer from these until the problem trigger points are treated directly.


Muscle Injury Facts:

There are approximately 639 muscles in the human body

Muscle aches and pains are common and can involve more than one muscle

Muscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs

Oral medications can mask the pain but do not aid in the healing of a muscle injury. Anti-inflammatories and pain killers can cause muscle related injuries to worsen

Muscle pain also can be a sign of conditions affecting your whole body, like some infections and disorders that affect connective tissues throughout the body

Most common cause of muscle aches & pains:

  • Injury or trauma including sprains and strains
  • Overuse: using a muscle too much, too soon, too often
  • Tension or stress


Muscle Pain Treatment Options

Blood Circulation Boost TShellz Back wrap for the ultimate in sore back healing

This universal leg wrap can increase healing rate of a shin, calf, groin, thigh, or hamstring

TShellz Wrap Shoulder - an advanced treatment for shoulder injury and rotator cuff injury

An effective treatment alternative to plantar fasciitis surgery

soft tissue therapy for torn or damaged achilles tendon

TShellz Wrap Knee for meniscus injury acl injury mcl injury or hyperextended knee

TShellz Wrap Elbow for tennis elbow, epicondylitis, elbow strains and elbow sprain

Advanced relief from sprained wrist and carpal tunnel syndrome injuries

MendMeShop Arnica Pain Relief Cream

Pain Relief Power Pack